Thursday, March 19, 2009

My sweet little Kohen

Kohen had the flu on his birthday. And not just a fever, he threw up for 7 days. It was aweful! His 1st birthday was right in the middle of it too. So this is a picture of him opening a few gifts for his birthday. Good thing he's too little to even know or care!

This was Nate and Kohen. They had the flu together and Kohen would just lay there and not even move. I put him on our bed and he just layed his head on Nate forever. It was sweet and sad at the same time!
After looking through my other kids pictures I realized that I have no pictures of Kohen in the tub. I have a picture of everyone else as babies in the tub, but not Kohen, so here it is!! :) This is one of those classic pictures that you must have of every child, right?!
And the dice. Kohen, like all babies, puts anything and everything in his mouth. But for some reason he LOVES these huge plastic dice. The ones from Old Navy. I'm sure all of you either have one, or have seen them. The ones in the quarter machines. I hate those things! It's hilarious to see those huge dice in his mouth. If my kids get them out and leave them on the floor he darts for them. What a funny kid!


Heatherlyn said...

Love the pictures! The tub picture IS classy and the dice picture is too too cute! He's just one of the most adorable babies I've ever seen! I can hardly believe he is 1 though. Where DID the time go?

Callie said...

The dice picture is hilarious! I just lub that little guy!